The REVOLUTION Gun Series equipped with modules with different types of centre diameters, provide the best solution for each gluing problem and thanks to their small size and versatility can replace the common standard multi-module guns with fixed centre distances. The Revolution’s main features are: speeds up to 6.000 cycles/minute, AMX45 module with double interchangeable gasket cartridge, Zero Cavity self-cleaning nozzle, protective non-stick casing coating, integrated glue filter which is removable without disassembling the hose. A wide and complete range of models makes it possible for even most demanding Customers to find the best solutions for any gluing need.
In addition to standard solenoid valves, Preo has developed a new model that is ranked at the top of the market offer. Depending on the applications required, this valve can deliver the highest level solution for tasks that require low energy consumption, high-speed application and small size and weight.
The casing is built in “Ergal”, an aluminium alloy that considerably improves the product’s resistance to mechanical stress. The hard oxide cover makes gun cleaning and maintenance quick and easy.
Removing the electrical kit is easy, simple and safe.
The gun is heated with highly reliable heating coils controlled by extremely precise sensors.
All guns are equipped with a new AMX 45 Series module that ensures precise, regulated glue application. This level of performance was possible only because of the special attention dedicated during the design and construction phases. The most important aspect of the AMX 45 module is its innovative gasket system with the double interchangeable cartridge, which guarantees a perfect seal at high pressures and temperatures in addition to simple, inexpensive, and long-lasting maintenance.
These guns main feature is the possibility to modify the centre diameter through the simple modules rotation (directly on line and with the gun in temperature); this allows to fulfil many different applications using one only gun. The advantage consists in a high flexibility with a consequent time saving in maintenance, spare parts and line stop.
The gun is supplied with stainless steel Zero-Cavity selfcleaning nozzles, available with a minimum diameter of 0.25 mm to a maximum of 1.2 mm. Zero-Cavity is the term used for the cut-off that directly closes the nozzle hole, eliminating any possible impurities and guaranteeing the constant cleanliness of the nozzle and a properly working system. The wide range of nozzles includes a number of configurations and special designs, based on the Customer’s needs. Important technical features are: highest level of resistance to wear and tear, thermal conductivity and construction geometry ensuring same reliability as the traditional Zero Cavity nozzles also if using multi-vein nozzles.
This guarantees better distribution of the glue and prevents nozzles from clogging due to the presence of impurities in the glue. The filter is integrated into the casing, and is easily accessible and can be quickly replaced without disassembling the hose.